Drugs are very harmful and hazardous products, so every piece of information which helps to stay away from drug use should be open to public. Knowingly or unknowingly people can use them and bring harm to their health and social status. Further serious implications related to drug use and abuse should also be detailed to the people, so that at least by the fear of serious punishment, they would abstain from buying and taking illegal substances. That is why information about drug testing and its methods should be made completely available for the common people who do not have any knowledge about this issue.
The drug testing in workplace is acceptable in United States, United Kingdom, Australia and lots of other countries. It is conducted in various methods, including hair, saliva, sweat and urine screening and used for pre-employment, post-incident, diagnostic and other purposes. Each testing method and each type of testing has its own procedure and criteria to check the person and can have either a positive or a negative result. Depending on the report received, suitable decisions are made and conclusions are drawn.
Drug test in United States is a regular activity which is performed mostly on urine samples, but also on oral fluids, hair follicles and other organic materials, which can store drug metabolites. This is not a simple process, as there are several stages of lab screening and monitoring are required to get a reliable result. Laboratory urine test is conducted on a two-tier basis and every one of them has different types of detection methods. The first tier is called an initial screening test and it is based on Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT) while the second one called a confirmation test uses Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) method and is applied only to those which proved to be positive in the initial test. Samples with negative results are free from any further procedures.
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